2023年3月8日,葡语国家研究院利天佑副教授(Francisco Leandro)帶領2022/2023屆博士生來到澳門商務傳媒中心總部,同社長馬天龍(Jose Carlos Matias)先生座談交流。城大師生們在豐富、友好和深入的交談中瞭解了澳門商業雜誌的運作情況和發展願景,聆聽了馬天龍先生的豐富專業知識和獨到見解,進一步理解了澳門特區作為中葡平台的意義。馬天龍先生對澳門商業領域的不同發展階段有著敏銳的洞察力,對本地商業文化和國際商業文化研究造詣頗深。馬天龍的團隊憑藉豐富的新聞從業經驗、富有啟發性的獨到視角和對本澳傳媒的熟諳運作,打造出高品質內容,將澳門的特質展現給國際讀者。
On March 8, 2023, in a rich, expansive and friendly conversation, Mr. Jose Carlos Matias led the IROPC Cohort of 2022/2023 doctoral candidates to the heart of Macau Business Media’s headquarter to understand its operation. This rare opportunity to listen in on Mr. Matias’ accumulated industry knowledge and wisdom has greatly enhanced the group of doctoral candidates’ concept of Macau SAR’s role as a platform between Macau and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries. Mr. Matias’ unflinching eye on histories through different stages of development in Macau’s business sector says volume about his devotion to the understanding of local and international business culture and climate. With his breadth of experience in journalism, tethering to immense insightfulness and a keen sense of Macau’s communal infrastructure, Mr. Matias and his team excel in presenting the uniqueness of Macau’s ins and outs to an international audience in uncompromising quality in both content and language.
During this most engaging session of exchange of information and ideas, Mr. Matias explained to the group the significance of the role Macau Business play as a media project within the Greater Bay Area. He stated that the imminent concern for the expansion into Macau-Hengqin developing area, as well as other cities in the near future cannot be understated. He also addressed queries on readership and competition from local press, suggesting that as a top-notch news media outlet, the connection and trust they have built over the past two decades is indicative of the credibility and accuracy in their news sourcing and reporting from credible news outlet, both nationally and internally.
Comprised of students on the course of Thematic Studies on China/Portuguese-speaking Countries Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchanges and the academic staff of the IROPC. This visit provided IROPC’s doctoral candidates a chance to hone their interview and research techniques. The exposure to the operation of a local news media also advances the knowledge on the concept of MSAR as a platform and its role in the context of the Greater Bay Area.
This field trip is part of the 2022-2023, a larger group of four visits planned for this academic year to strengthen the relation between students and the local community in the perspective of the Portuguese-speaking Countries studies: (1) BNU; (2) Rui Cunha Lawyers and Associates; (3) Macau Business Magazine; (4) Lecture at Military Club Macau. Macau Business, a 132-page monthly publication, is Macau’s number one English-language newsmagazine. Benefiting from the acumen of and collaboration between journalists, analysts, economists, scholars and policymakers, Macau Business works to provide readers with the best stories and exclusive insights. Macau Business was launched in May 2004 and was the first independent English-language news medium to become firmly established in Macau.
澳門商業傳媒是葡萄牙De Ficção多媒體項目在澳門的領先英文出版商。繼2004年推出其旗艦出版物《澳門商業》雜誌後,De Ficção持續增值,積極打造專業新聞機構。今天,該項目通過一系列專業新聞機構,如澳門新聞局(MNA)、中文商業雜誌《商訊》、Essential Macau和MB.tv,將最新和最準確的經濟商業資訊從澳門傳播到世界各地。
Macau Business Media is the leading English-based publisher in Macau, by De Ficção Multimedia Projects. Following the launching in 2004 of its flagship publication Macau Business magazine, De Ficção has continued to aggregate value. Today, it brings the latest and most accurate information on business and the economy, from Macau to the world, with a series of specialized news outlets: Macau News Agency (MNA), Chinese language Business Intelligence (商訊), Essential Macau, and MB.tv.